LinkedIn is seen as the Facebook for white-collar workers and concrete cowboys. It's the social media platform for professional networking, used by brands and companies, recruiters and job seekers, or to celebrate business wins or to become an opinion leader in an industry.

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While Facebook feeds are filled with memes, funny videos and Bachelor recaps, you'll find thought-provoking, insightful and interesting articles written by people with experience in a range of industries. People share content and news about awards that mean something in business, large contracts companies have won, work anniversaries and new job announcements. It's also a chance for brands to connect with their employees and build their own professional network on the platform.

As a digital marketer if you plan on utilising LinkedIn Advertising for your company as part of your social media strategy , it's essential you understand how to be professional and how to get the most out of LinkedIn. We've compiled a list of key 2019 LinkedIn stats as an infographic below that are essential to consider when strategising how you'll target the corporate world.

LinkedIn Users Statistics:

  • 260 Million monthly active users worldwide
  • 40% of active monthly users are online daily
  • 9 Million+ LinkedIn users in Australia
  • 61 Million LinkedIn users are senior-level influencers and 40 million are in decision-making positions
  • 2 professionals join LinkedIn every single second!

LinkedIn Engagement Statistics:

  • The type of content that receives the most shares is long-form, as in written articles or blogs
  • Of the 10,000 most shared articles of the past 5 years, only 6% were written by influencers. This shows you don't need to be a celebrity or have a huge following to have an impact on LinkedIn
  • How-to and list posts perform the best on LinkedIn
  • Articles without video perform better than those without video - one of the only social media platforms where written word outperforms videos
  • 46% of social traffic to corporate websites comes from LinkedIn
  • Posts with images get twice as many comments as those without

LinkedIn Advertising Statistics

  • LinkedIn makes up more than 50% of social traffic to B2B websites and blogs when shared on the platform
  • 80% of B2B leads come from LinkedIn vs. 13% from Twitter or 7% from Facebook when it comes to social media leads
  • Hubspot found that LinkedIn generates 3 times more conversions than Twitter and Facebook
  • 59% of B2B marketers say LinkedIn is effective at generating leads for their brand

LinkedIn is seen as a corporate networking platform and while a campaign may find success through Facebook or Instagram, it is important to recognise the purpose and tailor it to the platform before rolling it out. The stats speak for themselves and it is a unique network with the great potential for b2b marketers to use, as it is designed to be used for business people around the globe to become industry leaders in their fields, share wins and move up the corporate ladder so make sure to keep your advertising professional and ensure it's right for the channel. To learn about the basics, check out our LinkedIn basics article here.

Check out our LinkedIn Key Statistics for 2019 infographic below:

