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How to Nail Social Media Marketing

Written by Dominic Carlin | Mar 4, 2022 6:05:47 AM

It's a pretty widely accepted rule that a social media presence is a necessity for a business these days, if it wants to be relevant to any demographic that knows how to work a smartphone. As such, almost all businesses have committed some time towards putting together a social media page or two and attempting to build an engaging audience. Unfortunately however, some businesses are failing to achieve success because they’re doing social media wrong.

Very wrong.

You see, there are certain types of content that drive engagement well on one social network, and not so much on another. Shockingly, pictures of that bona fide burrito you destroyed on your lunch break aren't going to win you much love on LinkedIn's professional network. Knowing what content works best on each social media channel will help you create results in your social media marketing, especially if you want to get into Digital Marketing.


Before sharing which content types ideally fit each major network, here are the 3 top reasons why it’s essential to be relevant on social media.


3 Key Reasons Why It’s Important to Be Relevant on Social Media

#1 It’s Built for Awareness

Things are slowly changing online with Facebook and Instagram creating marketplaces to purchase products. Despite the ability to purchase from your favourite brands becoming an option, generally people do not log onto their social accounts with the intent of purchasing products. They want to connect, socialise, and stay in the know. Therefore, it’s important to share content that builds awareness, fosters engagement, and positions you as a reliable source in their network. 

#2 Every Social Network is Different…with Different Expectations

It’s important to recognise that how you communicate on one network will be totally different than how you post on another. Understanding the network you’re publishing on is crucial to relating to that unique audience. Where the denizens of Facebook may revel in memes, emoji and posts about babies, LinkedIn expects something a little more... professional. Taking a cookie-cutter method by sharing the same post across your social channels almost certainly turn someone, somewhere, off. 

#3 Your Results Depend On It

Good social media marketing is marketing that works. Whether your goal is to grow your followers or build your subscriber list, you're not going to get those clicks or likes if the people reading your content don't think it applies to them.


What Kind of Content Works Best on Social Media

So now you know why it’s essential to treat every social network like a beautiful, individual snowflake, the following outlines the types of content that are going to go gangbusters on each network, as well as some tips on how to write straight-fire posts for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.


Facebook, as I'm sure we all know, is a more casual, family-and-friends environment that can appeal to everyone. As the #1 social media network with 17 million monthly active Australian users, it doesn't get any better as a platform to connect with your customers and build new relationships.

The A+ content that works best on Facebook includes:

  • Visual image content like quotes, memes, fun facts, and illustrations
  • Interactive content like quizzes, trivia, and polls
  • Live video (people are spending 3 times longer watching them versus videos previously recorded. Go outside you nerds). (Source: Social Media Today)
  • Social videos are also great at generating engagement, having 135% greater organic reach than photo posts. Facebook videos receive 8 billion views per day... PER DAY! That's insane. 
  • According to CoSchedule, the best message is a link post that is around 111 characters long, contains no hashtags but relevant keywords, includes an emoji, and shares a positive message


Instagram boasts 1 billion active accounts per month and that number continues to grow on this highly visual platform. Get noticed on Insta by being a stunning model, a delicious plate of food OR by posting:

  • Behind-the-scenes content such as images from company events, a day at the office, or employee recognition, they give people a glimpse inside your business and humanises your brand
  • Product images that highlight either the benefit and/or features of your product
  • Lifestyle content showcasing how your product or service is used in the real world
  • Quotes that add positivity and motivation to your followers’ news feeds
  • Instagram Stories, which allow you to engage your audience in real-time and add authenticity to your social media marketing

No Instagram post is complete without a laborious string of confusing hashtags. It's not only how new users will discover and follow your brand, but also an opportunity for a witty copywriter to slip some jokes in, if that's on brand. Use sources like to find relevant keywords in your niche to include in your posts.



LinkedIn is the dad of the group, not in terms of age but in terms of the fact that if it were a person, it would wear a tie everyday and complain about quarterly reviews at the kitchen table. It's where the business professionals can find content that will hone and better their skills and where folks that want to be kept abreast of industry-related news can find such news. With 500 million members, there is an opportunity to establish professional thought leadership on LinkedIn through content. If you want to get some suits onside, consider:

  • Choosing visuals that are clear and compelling, giving users a reason to click on your post
  • Publishing articles, as long-form content improves SEO ranking and allows you delve deeper into your topic, positioning you as an expert
  • Sharing articles that align with your customer’s interest
  • Writing updates that contain industry insights
  • Research from LinkedIn pointed to YouTube videos as a great source of engagement, in some cases resulting in twice as many amplification actions (likes, shares, and comments) and a 75% higher share rate. It's also worth noting that moreso than it's competitors, LinkedIn users are active during the typical work day. Use keywords and save the hashtags and emojis for Facebook.


With 330 million active users, Twitter has become a space for brands to share short, quick messages while creating awareness. Consider the tips below to enhance your Twitter marketing and connect with this audience:

  • Videos are 6 times more likely to be retweeted than photos. Go live on Periscope, share a how-to video, or be unique and respond to tweets with video
  • Infographics are perfect for sharing facts and information in a visual format. Tweet a link leading to your infographic, making to sure to mention "infographic" in your message
  • Visual posts also drive more engagement. Images that promote blog posts, offers inspiration through a quote, or highlights your brand culture are great on Twitter
  • Tweet content that evokes a positive emotion like laughter, amusement, and awe.
  • GIFs are easy to tweet and share. Use them to show off a product, tell a story, or to thank followers

Much like Instagram, hashtags continue to dominate on Twitter. Twitonomy is a useful tool to locate trending or popular hashtags related to your niche on Twitter.

Appropriately, sharing content on social media that appeals to the unique audience on that network is vital to remaining relevant in your strategy. You’ll effectively speak to your personas in a way that moves them to action. Use this guide to hone your social media marketing and begin posting the right types of content on each network and you’ll experience higher engagement, an increase in followers, and better lead generation in no time flat. #results #nailedit #chalkupanotherwin